So Long and Thanks for All The Fish
We are safely returned to Madison. Alyska and I left on Monday as we’ve accomplished all we can really do on site - the house has been organized and perishables removed. We distributed some food and cleaning supplies to family. The rest, Alyska and I will be taking to a women’s shelter nearby where a friend volunteers.
Our next steps include canceling services (mostly done yesterday), working with lawyers in Executorship over the Estate, and getting extended family organized to distribute the large items in the house before listing it. It certainly sounds easy….
Alyska and I had some fun on the way home with The Fish and Dad’s sunglasses.

As did the cats upon arrival home.
<img src="_IMG_0784.jpg" alt="">
And lastly, we found Dad’s record player in the basement. Much of his record collection actually survived the flood so we took what we could fit in the cars. I got the player working last night, though the RCA cables seem to have a short which interferes with stereo sound.
<img src="_img.jpg" alt="">
I played Debussy first which was one of his favorites.