Portrait of the Artist as a Man
October 25, 2010

Running Man

So. I like running. Quite a bit. Since August I’ve logged maybe.. 50 miles. Which is absolutely terrible.

In an effort to revitalize, reinvigorate both a healthier lifestyle and more running fortitude, I’ve scheduled a mock half marathon for myself (and [ljuser]moocowrich[/ljuser]) on January first.

This seems like a fantastic way to ring-in the New Year. Assuming I can actually run in the snow without my asthma eating my face.

If you, too, want to fake race and fake train with me, you can go here: http://www.yourtrainingcalendar.com/halfmarathon/intermediate/2011-01-01

And add that calendar to your iPhone, Google calendar or Outlook Calendar.


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Running Man So. I like running. Quite a bit. Since August I’ve logged maybe.. 50 miles. Which is absolutely terrible. In an effort to revitalize, reinvigorate