Portrait of the Artist as a Man
February 13, 2014

Roll it out

I enjoy how zen cutting down the rope is.   Clamp end Roll out 5 feet Turn Roll out 5 feet Smell it Roll out 5 feet...I enjoy how zen cutting down the rope is. Clamp end Roll out 5 feet Turn Roll out 5 feet Smell it Roll out 5 feet...

I enjoy how zen cutting down the rope is.   Clamp end Roll out 5 feet Turn Roll out 5 feet Smell it Roll out 5 feet...I enjoy how zen cutting down the rope is. Clamp end Roll out 5 feet Turn Roll out 5 feet Smell it Roll out 5 feet...

I enjoy how zen cutting down the rope is.
Clamp the tail Roll out 5 feet Turn Roll out 5 feet Smell it Roll out 5 feet…


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