July 30, 2021
Because that’s where Twitter lives.
Twitter is a parasite that burrows deep into your brain, training you to respond to the constant social feedback of likes and retweets. That takes only a week or two. Human psychology is pathetically simple to manipulate. Once you’re hooked, the parasite becomes your master, and it changes the way you think. Even now, I’m dopesick, dying to go back.
Twitter did something that I would not have thought possible: It stole reading from me. What is it stealing from you?
Source: You Really Need to Quit Twitter by Caitlin Flanagan, https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/twitter-addict-realizes-she-needs-rehab/619343/
I have legitimate concerns that Instagram, especially with its hard turn into short video content, and Pokemon Go have inserted themselves into that spot between surface thoughts and the ability to focus.
The pandemic was stressful. PoGo in particular was a salve and helped me find new friends that could exist well in Discord. But… I haven’t read a real book in a while. I’ve not had much novel thinking either.
So maybe I need to find the right flute to coax that beast away.
Where flute is something like technology imposed time limits.
(He says as this automatically cross-posts to social media…)
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/it-is-not-just-social-media
July 29, 2021
To hustle is not to leisure
While adults used to have hobbies, now we have hustles and if you’re not monetizing those side hustles then what are you doing? Oh, and make sure you keep Slack notifications on so that you don’t miss that late night message about the work thing that can’t wait for tomorrow.
Life is better in many ways, of course, but the “we’ll be able to work less and live fuller lives at home” never came to pass.
Source: A Four Day Work Week? Yes, Please! by Matt Birchler, https://birchtree.me/blog/a-four-day-work-week-yes-please/
Hustle is a verb. Hobby is a now. Right, obvious, but so much of modern work and leisure culture centers around this active state of everything. If you’re not hustling, you’re not doing it right.
And I know. I ran a side business for years that came from a hobby. I stopped because, despite being profitable from day one, it was eating any time I had for anything else. I got no joy from it.
This is late stage capitalism. If you’re not monetizing everything you’re doing… do you even matter, bro?
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/to-hustle-is-not-to-leisure
July 27, 2021
Infinite limbs
Giannis still, more than anything, resembled a toothpick. His body wasn’t developed enough, his skills weren’t honed enough, to merit a comparison to any of those legends, let alone all three. But he had a unique skill set, an intriguing build—one that people didn’t yet know how to define. He was, as Grantland put it, “a human wormhole—all infinite limbs and impossible strides, twisting our conception of space inside out.”
Source: The Fire That Forged Giannis Antetokounmpo by Mirin Fader, https://www.theringer.com/2021/7/21/22585355/giannis-antetokounmpo-book-excerpt-the-improbable-rise
That’s just a magnificent description at the end.
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/infinite-limbs
July 25, 2021
Try using assistive touch
Think you’re a power user on iOS?
Try using assistive touch. You can customize dozens of actions including triggering shortcuts.
How powerful is taking huge actions with a few taps?
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/Think-you’re-a-power-user-on-iOS?
That's it. That's the tweet.
July 20, 2021
Give people the tools and purpose to make accessibility easy. Then it becomes second nature.
When it is second nature, the increasing complexity feels like a steady, accomplishable climb rather than a brick wall.
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/Give-people-the-tools-and-purpose-to-make-accessibility-easy
That's it. That's the tweet.
July 15, 2021
Check out this tip to experience the poor interface design caused when e-learning designers keep default settings and do not take advantage of the accessibility tools. You’ll then experience the same course once the accessibility tools have been optimized. Lastly, Elkins outlines and models how to complete three of the biggest tasks required to set up your e-learning with a screen reader successfully.
Source: Toolbox Tip: Why You Should Optimize E-Learning For Screen Readers by By Diane Elkins, https://www.td.org/videos/why-you-should-optimize-e-learning-for-screen-readers
We struggle with this at work with the tools we have available. Not all tools that can create online learning allow for things like accessible tagging of objects. We use Adobe Captivate which just.. can’t do much of what this video suggests…
So YES your e-learning should be accessible. Make sure the tools you use ALLOW you to do so. Don’t buy something that doesn’t support the Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines from the W3C.
Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/accessible-e-learning-requires-accessible-tools