May 27, 2021
Always trust motives
It was just the latest in what has become something of a trend of micromanaging bosses and corporate real estate landlords and the people who want to kiss them both who are all very eager for everyone to “get back to the office” as soon as possible. For completely innocent reasons of course like this next guy.
“People are happier when they come to work,” Sandeep Mathrani told The Wall Street Journal this week.
Mathrani is the CEO of WeWork, the company that rents out office space.
Source: Commuting is psychological torture by Luke O’Neil,
It seems those advocating the loudest for returning to the office are those with some sort of stake in the offices. Not the employees, the offices themselves.
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May 5, 2021
We created a multi-variant targeted ad designed to show you the personal data that Facebook collects about you and sells access to. The ad would simply display some of the information collected about the viewer which the advertising platform uses. Facebook was not into that idea.
Source: The Instagram ads Facebook won’t show you by Signal,
Signal is killing it lately and doing so with just epic levels of snark. Love it.
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May 3, 2021
Tiny tiny cannons
It’s one thing to power something using our own muscles, but the entire point of building an engine is to avoid manual labor and have the device exert the effort instead. To do that we need to find a reliable source of a strong force that is easy to direct. Thankfully, such device was invented hundreds of years ago — a cannon does exactly what we need. In the demonstration below you can observe how a cannon ball is fired from a cannon.
Source: Internal Combustion Engine — Bartosz Ciechanowski by Bartosz Ciechanowski,
First, +1 points for accessible, global animation switches. Motion can induce nausea and nauseated people are disengaged people!
Second, +1 point for color coding the engine components and using that to build the schematics. Very nice visual narrative.
Otherwise, I love the idea that an engine is really a bunch of tiny cannons firing in a closed system. I mean, it pretty much is except the ball is a piston that directs the energy….
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April 26, 2021
Because if they care about the knobs…
You’ll always have to pay up front for knob feel.
True knob feel cannot be mass-produced or outsourced. Knob feel requires attention and care. There’s no recurring revenue to attract investment in knob feel.
Source: Zach Phillips,
Any thing made where the maker sweats the details - material texture, mechanism resistance, the shade of orange on the power button - it’s probably going to be a good thing. All those details add up.
Just don’t get lost in the weeds. You probably don’t need to care about every detail but many, many, many of them matter.
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April 22, 2021
Take that corn hat off Melvin
According to The Hog Book by William Hedgepeth, the most common call is “SOOO-o-oeeyyy,” but in parts of the lower Midwest “Who-o-eyyy” is a common variant. It should be noted that while certain contests champion extra-vocal creativity, such as the wearing of costumes and the bearing of props, other contests frown upon such accessorizing.
Just a little fun. I encountered the pig call/heavy metal mashup and wondered if calling contests had rules. They do. Of course.
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April 21, 2021
On being a better kind of man
[Ted Lasso] is a sprightly, well-constructed, enjoyable comedy about sports, sure, but it’s also about men who—like the many good men I have known (even in Hollywood!)—take responsibility for the example they set, for their emotions and for the actions they take. Ted Lasso will remain deeply valuable into next year and beyond, because it is also about a bunch of very different people who display fulfilling, conscientious confidence and leadership—not the bullying, toxic, arrogant, violent, condescending domination that has, in this country, has too often masqueraded as “leadership” and “confidence.” In evolving and supporting each other through those changes, these characters form friendships and communities that are truly meaningful.
First, Ted Lasso is one of the best TV shows I think I’ve ever seen. It is already in my top charts following closely behind The West Wing and Stargate. Second, it models so well what I want to be as a Good Man it’s nearly painful to watch.
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