Portrait of the Artist as a Man
September 7, 2021

Ok look

Ok lookOk look

Ok look. #accessibility matters. If you don’t think so, you don’t matter.

I will not accommodate your existence if you won’t recognize mine.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/Ok-look

That's it. That's the tweet.

September 1, 2021

Needs are human.

Needs are humanNeeds are human

If you require something of a person that isn’t directly compatible with their physical reality, addressing that incompatibility is an #accessibility #accommodation, not a special need.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/Needs-are-human

That's it. That's the tweet.

August 15, 2021

Accessibility starts with empathy. If you don’t or won’t care about people there’s nothing I or society can do for you.Accessibility starts with empathy. If you don’t or won’t care about people there’s nothing I or society can do for you.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/Accessibility-starts-with-empathy

That's it. That's the tweet.

August 8, 2021

Connected thinking

I am taking to Obsidian.md pretty well.

Graph view of linked notesGraph view of linked notes

I started this week being more deliberate with actually capturing thoughts. I added to my daily morning processing, all accomplished by Shortcuts, a templates daily note. I’d already been running through all my events and tasks for the day so it was fairly easy to compile that into a note to write in for the day. The other looks something like this:



  • Meeting 1
  • Meeting 2
  • Time block for task 1
  • Lunch
  • Etc Notes/Thoughts New tasks to add

The idea being anything I think of that I want to remember or maybe do something with later, it goes into this note now.

Before, let’s say an email came in asking of X control or workflow or whatever needed to do Y to be keyboard accessible. I’d write my response, double check my assertions with a few sources, and send the email.

This week, I’d capture that response, the sources, and related ideas into a daily note. At the end of the day, I look through the note and move any new tasks that I didn’t already do go into my task manager and then do something with that note.

Take 8/4’s note:

Example of a rendered noteExample of a rendered note

So I did some research on HTML roles that I wanted to capture. So I wrote it down and at the end of the day, turned that into a NEW note and embedded it back into the daily note.

So the actually note looks like this:

Example of actual note textExample of actual note text

The !Text is the transclusion link to the now-separate-but-linked note on the Role attribute.

So this is… kinda revelatory. The top most image is the start of my interlinked notes nodes. I’ve imported allllll the writing I did at Wrestling With Franklin over the years and am pulling out useful concepts and creating the links. I’m doing the same with accessibility-related writings that I’ve got all over the place. You see some of the central nodes starting to form.

More complex days include meetings that become their own notes in a meeting folder that includes notes and tasks and other links out to things. So it’s an ever growing network of stuff outside of my head that I can now manipulate and expand.

It’s a second brain made manifest. In the future, when I have an idea I can add it here and add links and wander those links to generate new ideas. Neat, right?

Permalink: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/connected-thinking


August 4, 2021

Starting with obsidian

A screenshot of the Obsidian app showing a daily note in a very bright 80s styled neon purple theme. Of course the first ting you do with a new system is find or create the most obnoxious 80s style theme.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/starting-with-obsidian


August 2, 2021

Flip the internal narrative on loss

I’m not egotistical enough to claim everyone should feel blessed I was in their lives, but please be happy of the legacy I leave behind. Even if it is dad jokes and bad blog posts. Be happy you had something and not sad it’s gone.

Then it suddenly hit me. This is exactly the opposite of what I have been doing about working from home. I have been moping around and morning the loss of WFH instead of being happy that I had the opportunity to experience it for more than a year. I had no right to work from home, but had an excellent experience that I was lucky to have. An experience, during a pandemic, that many did not have and their lives have changed for the worse because of it.

Source: Be Happy It Happened, https://www.gr36.com/2021/07/27/be-happy-it.html

I’m guilty of this for sure. I definitely think work in America is pretty messed up but, at the end of the day, I don’t control the decisions of my employer and being miffed about it isn’t solving anything.

Am I glad to be back in the office? Not entirely. But I get to see some friends regularly again and my office itself is pretty done.

Does working from home work well for me? In the majority, very much so.

Do I want 💯 % WFH? Mo, I don’t think I actually do anymore. But having a day or two a week where I could very specifically target more long focus, creative work for the home days would be huge. Right now, I effectively do that by just disappearing somewhere on campus.

We’ll see what Delta brings but I will start looking back at a good experience I was pretty lucky to have.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/flip-the-internal-narrative-on-loss
