Portrait of the Artist as a Man
November 25, 2015

Minuet and a Light Box

It’s been a long while since I’ve really wanted to take up my camera again but it’s very very hard to say no when an eminently cute cat obliges by hanging out on the light table.

  <img src="_Minuet+and+the+Light+Box.jpgMinuet+and+the+Light+Box" alt="">

I was writing. Minuet was an excellent distraction.

  <img src="_Minuet+and+the+Light+Box.jpgMinuet+and+the+Light+Box" alt="">

  <img src="_Minuet+and+the+Light+Box.jpgMinuet+and+the+Light+Box" alt="">

  <img src="_Minuet+and+the+Light+Box.jpgMinuet+and+the+Light+Box" alt="">

  <img src="_Minuet+and+the+Light+Box.jpgMinuet+and+the+Light+Box" alt="">

There’s probably longer to write about creativity, photography, and my recent shift in mental state but let it suffice that I think I’ll start carrying my camera in my daily bag again.


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