Portrait of the Artist as a Man
December 15, 2015

Godzilla vs. Giant Eagle

Godzilla vs Giant Eagle
(With apologies to Godzilla who is less destructive)

The radicalized bird Hit me first, hit
us. I hit back and maybe harder
than it hit me. I would say not all of them
are terrorists but…
the ones that would fly in
could fly in present a major issue

You think ISIS is not going to put birds?
ISIS is going to put birds there. We’ve been
attacked pretty viciously.
I will tell you, we have to be in a position where
that never, ever, ever,
ever happens.

Birds can take out the East Coast
Birds can take out the Midwest,
Birds can take out things that were unthinkable.

I’m not creating the fear. People are living in fear.

I’m not scared; the birds are seriously
beautiful. But extra cranky.


December 13, 2015

Tier 1 Graphic Standards: Inappropriate Applications

This poem was created by copying lines directly from the VA Tier 1 Graphic Standrds Manual. It’s kind of like blackout poetry in that I deleted words whole from sentences but did not reorder anything. These sentences appear in order from start to finish in the manual - though I had to take some liberty in some text given how the it appeared on the page.

The original Official
was created to represent the
newly established Department
Its regally distinguished rendering
respectfully reflects the esteemed
status; This symbol,
So pure and
so effective
timeless and
stately and
in all reproductions
is paramount, is lasting,
is well-known,
is unchangeable. Is

Proper use will lay a timeless
identity. Never use less, never overlay,
never alter, never alter,
never alter, never reposition,
skew, rotate, distort,
never omit
the one-color:
rule to white.
Convert the rule to white.
Never reverse.

Please note grouping of colors.
stay within the same color
group. The color is
sufficiently dark,
body reversed to white.
If reversed to White
appear smaller.

Never overlap; Never vary;
Never expand smaller heads
Never apply garish effect to
contract; Never slant.
Never use any unapproved faces.

The personality is clean,
Less is more. Do not add color.
Colors should be next to each other,
and they should be visually appealing.
Never apply whimsical ornamentation
which only serve to diminish
importance and credibility.
Emotions generated should include
respectful observance,
quiet urgency, deep
importance, exalting dedication, and
ceaseless progress. Respect our flag.

Allow the full beauty
and reverence to show.
Not everything has to be a rectangle.


December 8, 2015

Big words, small gun

Hashtag your #2ndAmendmentJeremiad and
let us discuss, 
     between magazines, 
    how    ’ merican
   we are   
  on the


December 7, 2015

Good People Just Don’t Go Into Politics

So I dithered on posting this for fear of offending people, even though I like what I wrote. I’m chosing to post it not that I don’t care but because I was hesitant and because I like it. Ultimately, I write for me more than I write for you (and for the fist time I say that with conviction and truth).

I also find it funny because I had zero hesitation posting a poetry about giant, monster dicks. That was a little silly. This? I dunno? A greatly feared truth?

Anyway. I’m sorry if you’re offended; you have every right to be. It is, after all, political poetry.

Good people just don’t go into politics.

in a room lit with mockery
the man with the astonishing coiffure
pounds a fist full of
old glory against his cock
It doesn’t matter
what the media write
as long as
you’ve got a young
and beautiful piece of ass.


December 6, 2015

Destroy All Monsters

The last two mornings, I start by asking myself what is frustrating me. While this seems an endless fontain of creativity, because the world is awful right now, I may be getting into some weirder shit.

Which, really, I am fine doing but it’s just when the anger and disgust is laced with massive images of monster dicks attacking cities… Well, it’s a different sort of thing to write. It is an interesting challenge, surely, to turn something like the below into anything but a goofy tirade. I want to write about the things that bother me without appearing to marginalize or minimize the seriousness of the issue at hand.

Also: who would publish this stuff? :/

Destroy all Monsters


Poetry always starts off innocently enough
scrawling pages of purple prose weaving lurid
descriptions of giant, white dicks emerging
from Washington DC and attacking
Brookline, Wichita, Colorado Springs.
Its so mundane now, like the worst
O’Hara lunch poem ever written about
crowds of women crushed under giant
testosterone-stuffed testicles. It
should be destroyed,
because see page after page after page of
dicks in clinics and
dicks in congress and
dicks in your phone…

In a dick-abundant world,
where are the moments
without the mosters?
They will find you
in the quiet and unexpecting minutes
and remind you to smile.


December 5, 2015

God isn’t fixing this

I awoke angry this morning. The news is so sad this last week and the response from anyone that could affect change is, at best, infuriating.

The New York Daily News (and the NY Times, but with less fervor) captured it for me.

God isn’t fixing this


For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him many times;

-Luke 8:29

I took my gun
aimed it at my chest
and obliterated my heart
legions of pieces to spread
among the pigs

and thus elevated above
earthly fetters of love and grace
I tweet unto you:
“our prayers are with the victims,
their families.” we can wring our hands
and ask how could this possibly happen

but if I reload
and shotgun more scripture
over the herd; you will see
what great things I have done
for you

I will place a sign outside to remind
god’s grace: whites only
because god isn’t fixing this
for you
