Portrait of the Artist as a Man
November 20, 2014

Traveling. Energy. Creativity.

And a haiku for the house.And a haiku for the house.


I’m regularly exercising again and I’m traveling for work right now which has a curious affect on me, the combination of the two.  

Exercise lightens my mood in a (medical) textbook way.  My brain moves quickly, focuses well, makes connections, and keeps me pleasant.  I view myself and the world about me with a particular clarity and easiness I feel is generally reserved for runners and buddhists.  I am in the world.

When traveling, I feel surprisingly less-stressed, (even) better organized, and productive.  This is especially true when I have a few things to work on back at the office that I can do remotely.  Working from a hotel is surprisingly engrossing, something about the different setting keeps me lively.  I am about the world.

Of late, I’ve been feeling tis bubbling need to do something large and creative and being on the road has given me more time to think about it.  It feels like it wants to be a treatise of some sort, something longer and over-arching, touching on themes I’ve been recently thinking about regarding my favorite aspects of my life- buddhism, self-presentation, quality, privacy law, and productivity.  Which, take together, looking mostly unrelated.

I am not sure they are necessarily related, or should be.

But I feel like i want to write a book about something in there.

     Or make a podcast.

     Or go to law school.

     Or just do something that brings together all of the things that I care about in my day to day.

I’m not sure how to tease it out either.  I vaguely expect that, as I think and write and read on any and all of these things that I’ll have that magic Aha! moment when some final connection happens in a conversation and I’ll have it.

Similarly, I feel like I should be funneling all this… I don’t know.. Glamour into Bunny Rope but that feels… misguided. I have so many interested and they’re so disparate.

How do you work through that fog to clarify what the Thing is supposed to be?


November 19, 2014

Treadmills, man.

Treadmills, man.

Treadmills are dreadful. I had forgotten because I had not seriously used one in winter in a very long time. Normally when I have a running goal it’s after winter and i can run outdoors like Darwin intended.

Not so much deciding to do a 13 week mini training program before MTKF. Thus: I am tethered to a treadmill 3-5 times a week.

Really the worst part is that there’s nothing to look at in my gym. The have a bank of TVs but it’s all News or Sports and I disagree with Sports and New and especially Sports News but that is a different discussion. So I sort of pan the room and try really really hard to not watch the pretty women on various machines in eye sight.

Of course, the only thing that mesmerizes me enough that my mind blanks is cross fit butts when I’m on a treadmills.

Apparently I’m that guy.

It does make it easier when @alyska is at the gym with me.

Otherwise, the mini-program is going pretty well. I’m essentially starting over because I’ve gained enough weight that I have some breathing issues though I have few muscle endurance issues. I had a minor Oh Fuck” moment today when, after running for what seemed like too long, the dial read .73 miles.

I’m never going to make my targets,” I though.

But. I didn’t give up. I, in fact, sped up.

And wouldn’t you know it, .73 miles later the treadmill hit cool down. Because it was counting down from my target distance.

That was really nice.

And the cross fit butts. That was nice too.


November 17, 2014

What’s not to love about gifts?


We’re getting so dangerously close to gifting season.  Is there a better way to befuddle a bunny  but by bestowing bountiful bucks? See them wiggle with glee.

Then there’s the consternation.  So many choices… Make it hard on them.


November 15, 2014

On Weight

Weight is not health. Let me say that now.
I am bad separating the two. Let me also say that now.

Some numbers for you:

I currently weigh 208.7lbs at 6ft tall. My body fat percentage is pretty frightening at 31% which is the highest its been since high school.

At my best weight, I was about 170 at about 28%. At my worst I was 260 at 45% (O_O).

At my healthiest I was about 180 and 26% and running 5 or so times a week training for a half marathon in 2010. And defining healthy here as felt confident and looked good in my skin.”

This week, a friend started a Biggest Loser type contest for attendees of January’s Madtown Kinkfest. No matter what you say, people want to look and feel fantastic during the event and much of what feeds our self-perception, discounting the incessant and blaring societal judgments, is that number. It is nice to feel attractive when you’re running around the evening parties, especially in kinky atmosphere. It is inevitable that you want to look good.

I am attempting to track my progress in the facile, weight-based fashion with a few specific goals, hopefully achievable in 16 weeks.


    Cardio based:
  • Run a 5k at 9min pace
  • Finish a 10miler

    Strength based:
  • 75 Kettlebell swings at 50lbs
  • 1 pull up

  • Track intake (just an excuse to use a FieldNotes notebook :))
  • Stop carb snacking

I’m most worried about the second goals in all category as they are a stretch. I’ve not run more than 3miles at a time for months nor have I ever been able to do a pull-up (for obvious, one-hand reasons). And keeping away from carbs as been tricky with how we have to stock for some of alyskas dietary needs.

These feel emotionally possible though they may well be physically impossible.

In all honesty? I don’t really care if I don’t make those goals in time. I more need the target and maybe a place to talk about it.


November 15, 2014

Lab Night

Lab night with alyska.

A play on the dragonfly with a little weaving.

I also forget how well my Mr. Boddy looks in a black and white conversion.


November 5, 2014

On Identity

On Identity

On April 15, 2010 I renamed my Livejournal account. It was a big moment for me: a rite of passage. Now I was a Real Adult Internet Entity. Now I would be more professional, more awesome, more respected. That previous name? Juvenile! Inane! No one can take you seriously. You are serious adult and internet is all srz biznes!

I’m laughing too.

The question I’m asking: Did I make the right choice?

And I’m asking it for precisely one reason: Memorability.

AngryBunnyMan? Memorable. In fact, numerous friends I met prior to 2010 still refer to me as AngryBunnyMan.

ABMann? Not memorable. And I regularly have to spell it for people.

What this comes down to is this: Memoribility matters when you exist on the internet. The Internet has a short attention span and is forgetful. Anything an Entitycan do tomake itself memorable in Meatspace will lead to better outcomes.

I’m not saying that tis is the End All BNe All of creating a successful internet enterprise but that it can go a good way to helping get the internet to you. Ultimately I beleve that a person is as much a product as their actual product. Which is to say I am Bunny Rope - my materials, my process, my quality and doing anything to mae that easier t find is a good step.

So, Internet. Do you think going back to AngryBunnyMan is a good idea? AngryBunnyMan.com is much easier to remember.
