Portrait of the Artist as a Man
March 8, 2021


If a workout at noon makes your afternoon more effective, it’s hard to see why you need to do it at 5 am in a world that’s digital and more asynchronous than ever before.

If your day is better if your first interactions are positive ones, why not organize a daily call with peers with nothing but that in mind?

Source: Seth’s Blog. https://seths.blog/2021/03/the-most-important-meal-of-the-day/

I’m only now starting to take advantage of the benefits of working from home. I’ve not had a few days working by my fireplace, the front deck, and have taken afternoon runs over my typical lunch hour.

And last week, when I had a few late meetings (at 6 or 7pm), I took a few longer breaks in the day. I actually worked more total time those days than others but I felt good about it insofar as I didn’t feel burned out or angry having done it.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/asychronicity-


March 2, 2021

meaning now 50% off

When capitalism and existentialist meet there can only be dread. But such affordable dread.When capitalism and existentialist meet there can only be dread. But such affordable dread.

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/meaning-now-50%-off


February 26, 2021

Guilt and capitalism

If you’re taking a break from working right now, how are you feeling? Do you feel vaguely unproductive? A little guilty for resting? Is your brain saying: If you get back to work and produce you’ll feel fulfilled?

That’s internalized capitalism for you. Capitalism is a centuries-old system, but considering how the Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the economy and many people’s employment situations, it’s not surprising if you find yourself feeling this sting acutely.

Internalized capitalism is a revision of the protestant work ethic,” explains Brooklyn-based psychotherapist Nikita Banks, author of Finding Happy. It is this idea that to be unproductive is sin, and as such, this idea that you must always be producing is in direct relation to your worthiness.” We’ve all internalized capitalism to a certain degree. Yet, how does one recover from such a state, and is recovery even possible? Source: https://forge.medium.com/7-methods-for-recovering-from-internalized-capitalism-1b23e9c238e8

I stayed off line with a migraine today. I’ve been mostly downstairs in the dark napping or watching Twitch streamers. But I’ve also been checking email and Teams to stay atop anything that may be going on. I write in my email to folks I work with that I would be because important things still need doing” or some similar phrase.

Right now, I can see straight(er) and I’m less light sensitive so, naturally, I’ve been feeling guilty for not logging back in. Getting something done. Despite the two hours of work time this morning…

So what do I do? I look up articles on internalized capitalism”, find a good pull quote from a digestible article, write up my thoughts, and post it to my blog because I still harbor fantasies of retiring early in for supplemental income instead if working for the next, what? 25-30 years?

Always be closing….

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/guilt-and-capitalism-


February 19, 2021

Stepping out

Camera head goes for a swimCamera head goes for a swim

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/stepping-out


February 10, 2021

What no? Nah. Me either…

Pie is endless suffering itself

You know when you get that really specific craving that it makes you want to shed your skin from the mortal coil and dissolve into a pie-saturated ether? What no? Nah. Me either…You know when you get that really specific craving that it makes you want to shed your skin from the mortal coil and dissolve into a pie-saturated ether? What no? Nah. Me either…

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/pie-is-endless-suffering-itself


February 6, 2021

And those minds are blind and selfish

Everyone is real to you but are you real to yourself?Everyone is real to you but are you real to yourself?

Permanent link: Http://blog.angrybunnyman.com/and-those-minds-are-blind-and-selfish
